Creating a Designer Session

The Designer page enables you to view each document, to add signatures and other fields to it, and to assign permissions to documents.

You can only open a designer session for a transaction with a DRAFT status

Creating a Designer Session

Creating a Designer Session

To begin, use the AuthenticationTokensService to create a signer authentication token using the packageid. 

Note that user authentication tokens are single use and expire after 30 minutes.

POST /api/authenticationTokens/sender

  "packageId": "PACKAGE_ID"
String senderAuthenticationToken = client.getAuthenticationTokensService().createSenderAuthenticationToken(packageId);
string senderAuthenticationToken = client.AuthenticationTokenService.CreateSenderAuthenticationToken(packageId);
Forward sender to Designer

Then, you will need to parse the response in order to retrieve the user authentication token.

Note that user authentication tokens are single use and will expire after 30 minutes.

Using the authentication token you just created and the package id returned to you during package creation{senderToken}&target={packageId}/designer