Fast Track

The Fast Track feature from ValidSign enables you to quickly distribute documents for signing using a URL or QR Code, eliminating the need to create individual transactions for your customers. Fast Track helps you automate your e-signature work flow by providing a link that you can embed in an email or on a web page. The Signing and Sending URLs can be saved and bookmarked for future transactions.

Using Fast Track

Using Fast Track

To use Fast Track you must first create a template, if you do not already have one. For more information, see Create a new Template. It is important to note that your template must have at least one placeholder.

After creating your template, you will need to retrieve the shortened FastTrack signing URL and find the absolute URI.

GET /api/fastTrack/{templateId}/url?signing=True

// Then, use the HttpWebRequest client to find the absolute URI:
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)(WebRequest.Create(url));
using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
      uriString = response.ResponseUri.AbsoluteUri;

// Once you have done so, you will need to trim the URI to get the token that is needed to retrieve the FastTrack signing URL. 
string token = uriString.Replace("", "");

// Finally, make a POST request to /api/fastTrack?token={token} with your signer information in the JSON payload.
    "id": "Signer1",
    "name": "Signer1",
    "signers": [
        "id": "Signer1",
        "email": "",
        "firstName": "Firstname",
        "lastName": "Lastname"
FastTrackSigner signer = FastTrackSignerBuilder.newSignerWithId(Signer1.getId())

signingUrl = eslClient.getPackageService().startFastTrack(templateId, Collections.singletonList(signer));
FastTrackSigner signer = FastTrackSignerBuilder.NewSignerWithId(Signer1.Id)

signingUrl = eslClient.PackageService.StartFastTrack(templateId, signers);